In A Land Between Worlds: The Shifting Poetry of the Great American Landscape (2022), poet and photographer John Mack shares his vision on that part of the human condition which brings about our disconnection from nature, its further disconnection through smart devices, and provides clues that might lead us back to our natural unity with it. Covering nearly fifty of the most iconic U.S. National Parks, Mack uses poetry, landscape photography, and an interactive augmented reality app to invite us into a deep introspection about what it means to be human: What, if anything, can our national parks teach us about the nature within us? A Land Between Worlds is evidence of hope in a world where nature, freedom, love, democracy, and reality itself are under attack.
A Land Between Worlds is the official book of A Species Between Worlds: Our Nature, Our Screens. Available in signed, limited collector's editions and standard editions, the poetry book includes not only all of the exhibition's U.S. National Park images but also the project's entire collection of poems, many of which are not included in the NY exhibition.
Net proceeds of A Land Between Worlds are a charitable donation to the Life Calling Initiative.
This book works with an optional augmented reality (AR) app.
Minimum software requirements: iOS 14 or Android 8.0.
Poems and images: John Mack
Art direction: Inês Portugal
Book design: Filipa Oliveira
Cover illustration: David Leal
Graphic production: João Flecha
Digital media: Treeline Interactive - San Diego, CA
Digital image graphics: Richard P. Clark
Digital photo retouching: SugarHill Works - New York, NY / Stephen K. Mack
Printing and binding: Gráfica Maiadouro - Portugal
Standard Edition published in the U.S. by powerHouse Books
Filmmaker: Auka-Sisa
The author would like to thank all those who kindly contributed their recorded videos for the "making of" video of A Land Between Worlds.
An initiative by Life Calling.